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The French say "J'adore Alan Broadbent !" We second that opinion. Here is what others are saying: "His reputation precedes him like a thunderclap." —German Magazine, Jazzthetik
"Alan Broadbent is in the highest echelon of jazz, both as a pianist and an arranger. As a pianist Broadbent has an orchestral approach. Like McCoy Tyner at his best, he is able to let the piano sing in a formidable way." —Jazzpodium
"Class, charm and musical savoir-faire are omnipresent on virtually every recording Broadbent has made." —allaboutjazz.com
"The pianist’s harmonic acuity, melodic invention, touch and rapport with bassist Darek Oles and drummer Kendall Kay make this one of the finest trios in jazz." —Rifftides
"Broadbent has a wonderful lyrical touch and subtle understanding of groove, plus an all-important respect for silence. The trio captures the audience —and holds them enthralled." —Jazzthetik
"The elegant Kiwi pianist, Alan Broadbent, writes sumptuously beautiful large-format orchestrations as evidenced in his award-winning CD, America the Beautiful.” —The Wall Street Journal
We would like to thank all the donors to the JAZZ BAKERY PERFORMANCE FUND. We will be recognizing individual donors at various concerts throughout the year... This performance is brought to you in part by gifts from Mark & Janine Miller, and Richard & Pam Posell.
- Alan Broadbentpiano
- Darek Olesbass
- Kendall Kaydrums