Click on the images below to find out more about our Movable Feast concerts in February and beyond.
February 14
Kirk Douglas Theatre
February 15
Zipper Auditorium
February 16
Kirk Douglas Theatre
February 24
Kirk Douglas Theatre
February 28
Musicians Institute
March 2
Musicians Institute
Issue #2 February 11, 2013 |
Our 20th Anniversary Celebrations in February |
photo by Bob Barry |
Welcome to the second edition of The Bridge, The Jazz Bakery's new quarterly newsletter. 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of our becoming a non-profit organization, and we are celebrating with some very special events. We're presenting some great artists in February and March at the Kirk Douglas Theatre, Zipper Auditorium, and the Musicians Institute. Click on the icons to your left, or Click Here to see a list of all the exciting events happening at our Movable Feast series this month.
David Stone Martin
Silent Auction February 14
David Stone Martin's paintings have graced countless album covers and have been the source of much of the jazz iconography of the 40s and 50s. (His last drawing was for the original Jazz Bakery logo done in 1992). Come to our Valentine's Day Show and participate in a silent auction of art generously donated by JAZZARTZ, exclusive representatives for David Stone Martin. We'll be auctioning off four limited edition prints, handsomely framed in four sizes (values from $350 to $1,750). Who knows, you might walk away with the perfect Valentine's Day gift at a bargain basement price. Please click on the link to find out more about the exciting
Gershwin Valentine concert at the beautiful Kirk Douglas Theatre in Culver City. Click Here to see the prints, sizes, and estimated retail prices of these beautiful works of art..
Our New Building
David Stone Martin |
Many of you have asked about the progress of our new building. I know it seems like nothing's happening, but believe me nothing could be further from the truth. We've been meeting with Frank Gehry, and we can't wait to unveil his fantastic new building design. We've also been working with the city to accommodate many tiresome but necessary details, like where we're going to put the trash compactor and the vault for the electrical transformer. Now that we've ironed out these preliminary problems, Frank can put the finishing touches on his design. Please Click Here to learn more about our new building.
Alfy's Kennel Korner
We've added a new feature to our website called Alfy's Kennel Korner.Many of you remember my beloved Alfy who helped me put on so many shows at the Jazz Bakery. Alfy is hoping to make connections between needy pets and a forever-home. He had good luck last month with Newton the Pomeranian. This month Alfy shows his diversity by telling you about Milo, a kitty in need. Please click on Alfy's picture to find out more.
Jazz Bakery Spotlight
'Jazzographer' Bob Barry has been documenting the Jazz Bakery's Movable Feast series of late. His exquisite jazz photography - always unstaged, always captured in available light - is treasured locally in music clubs and displayed in museums nationwide. Google-image just about any living jazz performer and you'll see Bob's work. Frequently you'll find his photos on our website, Facebook page, our Flickr feed and even at the top of this newsletter (Kirk Douglas Theatre). If you visit our Online Jukebox you'll find Bob's playlist of favorite music. Check out Bob's website at, and be sure to watch the breathtaking documentary about his life,Jazzography in Black & White.
Thank You
2012 Future Fund Donors
Thank you to the more than 180 jazz fans who donated to the Jazz Bakery's Future Fund last year, at levels from $10 to $10,000. Thanks to you, we came close to doubling our previous year's contributions to make 2012 our best fundraising year ever. We were especially pleased that 18 people joined our Inner Circle, our new program for supporters who want to take a more active role in our future. You can Click Here to see the names of everyone who gave to the Jazz Bakery's Future Fund in 2012. Please visit our Future Fund page to see how you can help. And don't forget about our Wall of Fame plaques. All original and current plaques are now virtual, but we promise we'll find a prestigious place for them when our new building is complete. So please Click Here to honor a musician, friend, or family member with a personalized plaque. We truly rely on you to help us keep the music flowing while we gear up for our new home in Culver City.
In the beginning...
During the past two decades, we've had a lot of love and help sent our way. But the following names are a few without whom the Jazz Bakery would simply not have come to be.
Maury Hall all but forced me to attempt to create this concept and was our founding chairman.
Will Thornbury made each concert memorable with his in-depth introductions.
Lee Wilder helped me slice the endless pound cake and dispense the free coffee.
And David Abell, as always, assisted with the piano and his generous support for the music.
They have all left the building, but I will never forget them. Twenty years is a long time. I can only hope they would be proud to see what we've become.
Please let us know what you think about our new Newsletter. We want to stay in touch with you and let you know about all the good news at the Jazz Bakery.
Ruth Price
President and Artistic Director